Tuesday, April 24, 2007

bAndaz picKs for the seMiS of '07

iT has beEn a rolliking month and a halF and we are reaching the enD of the so-calleD worLD cUP! The cUP started with gReaT expectations but did not liVe up to them. iN many waYs this eDition of the cUP is a biG faiLurE!

anyWay the teaMs in the seMiS are very much wortH of their seMis berth!. The 4 best teams at the moment in the order of their form are the ausSiEs, the kiWis, the laNkAns, the pRotEas.

thE fiRst sEmIs betweEn the laNkAns and the kiWis should be a closely fought game. aT the enD the laNkAns would just sneaK thru'!
laNkAns -> 51%
kiWis -> 49%

waTcH out for the laNkAn captain Jayawardene and Murali.
waTcH out for the kiWi captain Fleming and Bond.

x-FacTor -> Malinga and Styris.

thE seconD seMis betweEn the rampanT ausSiEs and the chokErs pRoteAs is interesting for many reasons. There are a few eGos hurT, a feW things to be proVen, sweEt reVenGe, priDe @ stAke! The tosS coulD be a vital thing here! Both the teams have very good batTing line-ups. The teaM that baTs first should win it aLL! the pRoteAs might just sneak thru'!
pRoteAs -> 53%
ausSiEs -> 47%

waTcH ouT for Gibbs and Hall in the pRoteAs team!
waTcH ouT for Hayden and Bracken in the ausSiEs team!

x-Factor -> Smith and Symonds.

uNtiL laTeR... gOod morNing and goOd luCk!


Anonymous said...

Hope to see your final predictions and if possible a comparison between two finalists

グリー said...
